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Here are the most relevant details about my career. To learn more, please visit my page. All my contact information is available in the top-right menu.
Soluzioni innovative con HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, NodeJS, Django, e React Native. Specializzato in realtà aumentata, blockchain e design di impianti, offro servizi personalizzati per aziende e professionisti
Servizi tecnici specializzati in perizie per Industria 4.0, certificazioni APE, valutazioni energetiche e consulenze su progetti edilizi e impiantistici. Esperto in certificazioni di conformità, garantisco soluzioni professionali e personalizzate per aziende e privati
Formazione professionale su temi avanzati come Cyber Security, Intelligenza Artificiale, BPMN e architetture software. I miei corsi sono progettati per aggiornare professionisti e aziende, fornendo competenze pratiche e innovative per affrontare le sfide tecnologiche moderne
I'm highly interested in the news, in detail all-around development and programming are my passions, and due to this I choose to become a freelancer, it let me express all my creativity and my curiosity.
In this project an animated stick-man has been realized in Blender! The requirements have been a stick-man moving in a precise way, with a particular motion blur. First of all the stick-man has been sculptured, and added the required an emissive material. Once finished the blender sculpturing phase, the armature has been added. The armature is […]
In this project, the client asked me to build a simple and easy web-site to publicize and show him app performances. In the following image, you can the whole site The web site automatically resize the images and the layout on the basis of the screen width, as you can see in the video below […]
In this project a wordpress plugin has been developed, in particular, the plugin has to insert Google maps in a post or page. The plugin read from the database the list of shops and add a new location pin for each shop. The plugin has a back-end page to manage all the information. And you […]
In this case the owner asked me to build an animation/gif in a nice way, the owner chose the colors and the shape. [email-subscribers-form id=”2″]
The blog aims to share all my recent projects with you, and why not entertain you?
If you have interest in my research activities, see research!
If you want to mail me or contact me on WhatsApp, don’t hesitate!
Elisabetta Cataldi
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